Sacramento Water Saving Rebates

Sacramento Water Saving Rebates

Like many Californians, the team here at Sacramento Plumbing Solutions is highly concerned about the historic drought occurring throughout our state. As professional plumbers, we have a keen awareness of the vital need for water conservation throughout our local...
Water Taking Too Long to Heat Up: Causes & Solutions

Water Taking Too Long to Heat Up: Causes & Solutions

No one likes a cold shower, and we’ve all been there, waiting for three, five, seven minutes until hot water finally reaches the faucet. On top of being a mild inconvenience and a burden to your water bill, these delays cause a massive waste of more than 280 million...
How Sacrificial Anode Rods Work in Water Heaters

How Sacrificial Anode Rods Work in Water Heaters

Most water heater tanks are made of refined metals sensitive to damage over time. Corrosion is an electrochemical process between metal, water, and oxygen. Gradually, exposure to water destroys refined metals, like steel, as the chemical reaction reduces the metal to...
Descaling Procedure for Tankless Water Heaters

Descaling Procedure for Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless water heaters are an excellent alternative to traditional hot water tanks. The water heats instantly as it passes through the unit, providing an unlimited hot water supply while using far less energy. While tankless heaters require less routine maintenance...
What Size Water Heater Do I Need?

What Size Water Heater Do I Need?

Have you ever asked yourself “what size water heater do I need”? If you are considering traditional tank style hot water heater, a standard 40-gallon electric water heater can supply enough hot water to meet the needs of most families. However, if your...